
I'm a Supermodel Duck!

Lilly the Duck
Guess what! I'm a Supermodel! Mommy said so because she put me in her Etsy pictures! You can see them all in our Etsy shop here: http://loveaduck.etsy.com

I had so much fun taking the pictures!  I got to spend time alone with Mommy. I followed her around everywhere she went until she was ready to take my picture. I was a little nervous being outside without my brothers, but Mommy kept telling me how pretty I looked and that made me feel better!

I even got to see Mommy's garden and the other ducks outside. Those babies have gotten so big! I couldn't wait to tell the boys all about my adventure with Mommy!

Now that I'm a Supermodel, I'll be requiring all kinds of Supermodel-y indulgences like diamond necklaces, fancy dresses, expensive shoes, French-tipped maincures and hair gel. I hope Mommy realizes this...

I've personally approved all of the items in our Etsy shop and given them my Official Seal of Approval! Mommy's always adding new items, so be sure to check out our shop for some fabulous home decor!


Baby Ducks

Hello everyone!

At our house my brothers and I have some outside duck friends (or frenemies...but more on that another time).  And the other day, guess what happened!  They had babies! ...thirteen of them! I don't know how the mama duck keeps track of them all--our Mommy says she had a hard enough time with just the three of us!

Mommy took a picture of the mama duck with some of her babies. They are only a few days old.

Even though we may not be the friendliest of friends with those ducks outside, I have to admit that their babies are soooo cute! Don't you just want to cuddle them?!

Don't forget to check out Mommy's Etsy shop:



Mother's Day Bench


Look at this pretty bench!  Mommy made it for Grandma for Mother's Day! She broke up lots of old fancy dishes. I bet that was fun! Then she made a mosaic out of them. I think it looks beautiful!

Grandma LOVED it! And so did Grandpa and everyone else. No one wanted to sit on it--they said it was too pretty!

...Grandma doesn't know that I sat on it, so it'll be our little secret, ok?

Be sure to check out Mommy's shop on Etsy:

And leave a comment to say hi and tell me what you think of Mommy's mosaic bench!



Lilly and the Spider

I saved the day today!

While Mommy was getting our breakfast ready this morning, she saw a huge, black ground spider in the corner. She called for Grandpa, and he came to kill it. But before he could get it, the spider started to run across the bathroom floor.

He was so fast! ...but I was faster! I bonked him on the head with my bill and gobbled him up! The boys didn't even see him!

Grandpa just laughed, and Mommy said, "Gross!!" but I think she was happy that the spider was gone.

I love helping!

 Love, Lilly


Octopuses For Charity

Recently, Mommy was asked to donate an octopus figurine for a brain and breast cancer charity fundraiser. I think they are adorable!
Mommy can custom make figurines & cake toppers to match your decor, theme and color scheme.
Check out our shop to see more! http://loveaduck.etsy.com


Bath Time Peekaboo

Hi everyone!

My brothers and I just love bath time!  We especially love to play peekaboo with Mommy after we're done splashing around in the tub!  Mommy took some pictures and even put up a video of Felix on YouTube!

Hope you like it! 
